Posts Tagged ‘social’

Reasons to Celebrate


Lionhead Studios wins a BAFTA

Lionhead won best Action & Adventure Game at the BAFTAs!  I get to say I have a credit on a BAFTA winning game!  It makes me even more proud of the team and feel very fortunate to be among their number.

A few days after the awards I organised some of the team together to pose with the BAFTA.  Many thanks to Louise for letting us borrow it for the shoot!  Gave me a chance to use my Nikon D80 SLR for something pretty special.

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Someone kindly took a picture of me with it.  You know it’s kind of heavy (in a very good way!)

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Unofficial Lionhead Party

I organised a party for Lionhead family, friends and ex-pats back at the end of February.  The night went really well thanks to my wife doing a ton of leg work for it, the Lionhead band organising themselves and a ton of attendees contributing kit for the evening.   I felt it was important to have an event to thank the friends and family who supported all of us during the later part of the development of Fable II.  Although they didn’t work directly on the game their contribution was invaluable.

Everyone was encouraged to bring some food in an American “Pot Luck” style buffet.  Traditional American, Spanish, Greek and English food (including a massive stack of Jaffa Cakes) ended up being on a big table.  We had a bar and a projector shone against a good sized wall used for Rock Band and Lips.  It felt like a fun family get together rather than just a work party.  Someone else can organise the next one though! 🙂

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The highlight of the evening was with out a doubt the Lionhead Band and their great set on stage.  It was their second gig – they were called in at the last moment to provide entertainment for the Christmas party.  Luckily they were already practicing for the unofficial party and I hear that first performance was great (I was visiting the States at the time of that Christmas party).


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I’ll end this post with a link off to a youtube performance recorded of the guys rocking out. 😀