Archive for June, 2011

Micro Talks


This is a quick write up of my thoughts about the micro talk format, its use in Lionhead’s "Creative Day" and the talks organized by IGDA Austin held at historic Studio 6A (home of Austin City Limits show).

The "Micro Talk" format

Every participant is given ten minutes to talk. A time keeper near the front of the stage flashes up cards when the speaker is near the end of their session so they can wrap up the talk. There is also a longer message for when a speaker goes over that limit.

There are variations where the time limit is less strict.  Sometimes there is a defined period of time for Q&A that may be filled. I recall as part of my Bachelors degree we had strict time limits and a QA for presentations on projects; so those from an academic background may be familiar with this style already.

Ten minutes is time enough to cover a large subject at a very high level or a very specific topic in detail. This forces focus and sets the pace for all the talks.

For the speaker ten minutes should be relatively easy to fill about something they know about. If anything, reducing things down to ten minutes may be an issue.

For the audience ten minute bite-sized chunks of content should be digestible even if it is something individual members have little interest in.

Creative Day 2011 at Lionhead Studios

A similar format was used for Creative Day at Lionhead Studios.  We did not use the term “micro talks” but that is what the format was at the core (though without the very strict time keeping). Everyone who participated was given a short time to introduce their project and demonstrate it. Some ran under and some ran over but every presentation got part or all of the audience interested. Each team was given a couple of days of studio time to complete their own project (and as much of their own time as they wanted of course).

The Lionhead event has been quite well covered in the industry press. The project I worked on was one of the lower profile ones that just gets a mention in Edge. I worked with developer Pete Coward and musician Kai Chi Chan on a reimplementation of Populous in HTML5, which used a multiplayer server implemented using node.js.  Our proof of concept was implemented in a few days.

The demo itself had a few technical problems due to us trying to improvise a wireless network.  It got a bit overwhelmed by a cinema full of developers trying to connect to it with laptops, iPads and mobile phones… but overall the presentation was well received and the multiplayer capability was demonstrated. We kept things going long enough to show Peter drowning little people by lowering some land in to the ocean, which got a good laugh.

It was an emotionally charged experience presenting to all the talent of the studio – especially considering some of the mind blowing things that were demoed before we were up.  Keep in mind that most of the people presenting were not at all used to being in the public eye. In the relatively safe environment of that cinema full of colleagues, everyone shone. Every single presentation had something interesting to give and add to the day. People really got to know each other better that day.

If IGDA Guildford ever gets going again – meetings in this format should happen.  There are enough people working there to support it!

IGDA Austin Micro Talks (2011-06-25)

My first IGDA Austin meeting was in the micro talk format and provided a great introduction for me to some of the people in the chapter.  The talks took place in a television studio and were recorded – so should end up on YouTube at some point in the future.  See the website for further details.

John Henderson acted as master of ceremonies, introducing each speaker and announcing breaks between the speakers. At the end of the breaks he took the opportunity to introduce some of the volunteers around the hall that were running the event.

Jon Jones opened up the evening with a talk about making yourself more attractive on the job market by differentiating yourself. His example used a character artist portfolio with a few stereotypes that got laughs from the audience. The drive of the talk was to be a little different by thinking creatively and to actively network. Many of his own career advances had come from networking and he said that he pushed himself to get out there. He made special note to try not and make enemies, as you never know how that will come back to bite you later.

Denis Loubet made a presentation about how much luck there is involved in creating a profitable iPhone game. He made his presentation without aid of slides. The message I took away from that was that it was better to prototype an idea and ship early before investing too much, as you can never be quite sure where lightening will strike. Rovio made a few games before their success with Angry Birds.

Sara Jensen Schubert’s session was about using a spreadsheet to balance progression in an RPG. Consistency was highlighted as an imported factor in progression. Second to that was modeling enemy stats close to that of the player to make things easier to manage later on. It immediately reminded me of systems I had seen used around Lionhead that our tools supported. I think Sara and my friends back in the UK, Mike West and Kalev Tait – would have a good talk about their various ideas for balancing.

Fred Schmidt made the case for how awesome Austin is, the history of the area and how the creative industry fuels the economy. There needs to be more engagement across the educational, public and private sectors to better support the many small companies doing amazing things in the area.

Damion Schubert spoke about the power of innovation – where it is useful and when it should be reined in. Innovation can take many forms, from simplification of an idea to something completely new. An innovative game should be explainable in a sentence and have true resonance with the audience. Swing big, make sure the players get to use your innovation and support it through every other element of game play. Remember that an idea is only innovative if it is better, and that it should be less expensive than making a "me-too" product.

"From Startup to Survival" by Quoc Tran was an interesting study in what can make the difference between success and failure in a start up. It boiled down to focus, underdo the competition and release early. Remember that resources are limited and that if cash is a problem, ship sooner. The feedback generated and market position achieved by shipping sooner is more important than a complete feature set.

Carl Canga made a presentation about how important investing for retirement is. Despite the presentation slides not working, Carl went on to make a well rehearsed presentation. It was certainly a sobering talk for me and something I will make a priority as soon as my means allow it.


Presenting and demonstrating things in front of an audience even just for ten minutes may seem daunting but there is no doubt in my mind it is worth it. It is a great introduction to public speaking and one I personally intend to try again. I encourage you to try it out – either at your studio, an IGDA meeting or wherever you can.

The conversations during the breaks at events like these are also invaluable. It is a great way to make friends and eventually introduce people who can help each other out. Get yourself out there!

Never under estimate how important it is to communicate the knowledge you have to other people. What you write or present will never be useful to everyone – but even if you help a few people out, it is worth it.  Why not try writing for #AltDevBlogADay?

About this article

I wrote this in Star Coffee in Round Rock, TX while slowly drinking an iced mocha. It is written from my own notes made in OneNote last night and some others that Danni (my wife) made. While writing this I’m listening to a Blue Grass jam session. I’ve only been in the Austin area for a few weeks – and although I am still adjusting to the baking hot weather it has been a good experience so far. I have no doubt that this place is another great creative hub.

This post was created for AltDevBlogADay:

The XmlSerializer class in C# is asymmetric


C# coders choosing XmlSerializer for their game data beware.  When using the DefaultValueAttribute on members of a class being later processed by XmlSerializer, a perfect copy of an object written may not be read back later.  This post demonstrates the behavior.

XmlSerializer versus DefaultValueAttribute

The DefaultValue attribute is useful for giving hints to the user interface controls, particularly ones that inspect objects such as the PropertyGrid.  It allows objects to be created using their  default constructor then have their default value set later by the control responsible for it.

The XmlSerializer also takes this value in to consideration when writing an xml representation of the object.  If the class member being serialized has a value that matches the value declared by the DefaultValue attribute it skips writing the value all together.  Less written, less to read back – looks good.

XmlSerializer does not restore the value of DefaultValue to a member when reading an xml representation of an object, it uses the default as defined by the member type (null for classes, 0 for integers, etc.). This is the potential source of confusion; you cannot rely on the XmlSerializer to create perfect deep copies of your objects. It does not assume missing xml means “use the default value attribute”. XmlSerializer has implicitly set the expectation on your code to restore the default values from the attributes.


I have embedded commented code in the post below that demonstrates the above.  I have also uploaded it to github.

// See Clue class to change demo behavior.
// Uncomment one of the fixes below to observe different behaviors.
// Search for FIX1 or FIX2 to see where the changes have been made.
//// #define FIX1  // Do *not* use DefaultValue attribute, taken in to account serializing but not de-serializing.
//// #define FIX2  // Set default value of variable to same as DefaultValue attribute during construction.

namespace AsymmetricXmlSerializer
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;

    /// <summary>
    /// Class to be serialized and demo point for asymmetric XmlSerializer behavior.
    /// </summary>
    public class Clue
        /// <summary>
        /// Comment out DefaultValue attribute and it will succeed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Set variable to 'Nothing To See Here'to to work around.</remarks>
#if !FIX1
        [DefaultValue("Nothing To See Here")]
#if !FIX2
        public string text;
        public string text = "Nothing To See Here";

    /// <summary>
    /// Demo program for asymmetric XmlSerializer behavior with DefaultValueAttribute.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // If initial value is the same as DefaultValueAttribute for variable declaration,
            // it is not persisted by XmlSerializer.
            Clue clue = new Clue();
            clue.text = "Nothing To See Here";

            // Buffer for writing.
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            // Don't need namespaces.
            XmlSerializerNamespaces no_namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            no_namespaces.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);

            // Don't need xml declaration.
            XmlWriterSettings writer_settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { OmitXmlDeclaration = true };

            // Serialise the clue...
            XmlSerializer xml_serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Clue));
            StringWriter string_writer = new StringWriter(buffer);
            using (XmlWriter xml_writer = XmlWriter.Create(string_writer, writer_settings))
                xml_serializer.Serialize(xml_writer, clue, no_namespaces);

            string serialized = buffer.ToString();

            // Show serialised version of the clue...
            Console.WriteLine("Clue text value: {0}", clue.text);
            Console.WriteLine("Clue serialized: {0}", serialized);

            // Deserialise the clue...
            Clue clue_read;
            using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(serialized))
                clue_read = (Clue)xml_serializer.Deserialize(sr);

            // Show clue 2 on console
            // Reset and reuse write buffer.
            buffer.Length = 0;
            using (XmlWriter xml_writer = XmlWriter.Create(string_writer, writer_settings))
                xml_serializer.Serialize(xml_writer, clue_read, no_namespaces);

            string reserialized = buffer.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("Read Clue text value: {0}", clue_read.text);
            Console.WriteLine("Read Clue serialized: {0}", reserialized);

            Debug.Assert(clue.text == clue_read.text, "Written & read clue's text should match");

 * FIX1: Don't use DefaultValueAttribute.
 * You would want to use DefaultValueAttribute to avoid persisting the
 * default value to the xml representation.
 * Although this does prevent the default value being persisted, on read the
 * DefaultValueAttribute is ignored so the value is never set to that of
 * the DefaultValueAttribute.
 * DefaultValueAttribute is also used for value hints for UI.
 * See:
 * FIX2: Use DefaultValueAttribute AND default value at construction.
 * To use DefaultValueAttribute and have the object be recreated
 * properly when reading it back, you must to explicitly set the
 * default value during construction of the object being read.
 * Using this method means the xml is concise and the object
 * is accurately recreated.

(Cross posted from: )